In marketing, there are no guarantees. Any marketer worth their salt will tell you how difficult it is to promise a specific return when there are so many variables at play and when so much can be down to chance. But Phorge, a Sydney, Australia-based digital marketing agency specializing in helping dental practices grow, figured out how to give new clients the next best thing: a comprehensive, proven strategy to help them grow. their business by at least 30 percent. “Our goal — our commitment to our customers — is to help our customers' dental practices grow at least 30% in 12 months,” said Paul Hanney, Founder of Phorge. To achieve this impressive 30% growth figure, Phorge takes a full-service, data-driven approach to digital marketing.
They specialize in generating leads through ad buys, landing pages, email marketing, and up-selling or cross-selling leveraged through a client's existing patient database. As this young company continues to grow and prosper, one tool has been particularly critical for the Phorge team as they seek to deliver on their commitment to employee email database their customers: CallRail's advanced call tracking and analytics. Marketing Agency's Guide to Customer Retention Loads of features and a better price in AustraliaWhen the company launched in 2016, it tried a handful of different call tracking providers, but none of them quite fit the bill. They couldn't fit into Phorge's marketing stack, they were difficult to use and had unintuitive user interfaces, or they were geared more towards business at the enterprise level and were therefore too expensive to scale with the growth of Phorgium. Then, a few months after installing Phorge, inspiration was taken from Hanney's avid diet of high-profile marketing podcasts.
I had heard about CallRail on Neil Patel's podcast, so I thought I'd check you out,” says Hanney. “And coincidentally, you had just started to launch your service in Australia, so it seemed like the perfect time for us. »After comparing its feature set to other call tracking providers, there were plenty of reasons why switching to CallRail was a no-brainer for Hanney and the rest of the Phorge team. “For us, CallRail had more advanced features and was much easier to use than any of its competitors,” he explains. “In particular, your javascript is just amazing – it's a small piece of code that allows you to use so many different functions. »He continues: “Some features, like number porting, would take 10 times longer to use on [competitors'] platforms compared to CallRail. I'm speaking from experience here, as I've spent a lot of time working with other Australian call tracking services, and they don't compare to CallRail. And for Hanney and his team, the icing on the cake is CallRail's flexible pricing plans, which ensure he gets what he pays for and can expand his CallRail usage as Porge grows and takes more of customers. Transparency and ease of use mean happier customers